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Groundbreaking Discovery 45 24k Gold Coins Unearthed In Ancient Roman Fort

Groundbreaking Discovery: 45 24K Gold Coins Unearthed in Ancient Roman Fort

Unprecedented Find in Northern England

In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists have unearthed a remarkable hoard of 45 gold coins dating back to the Roman era at an ancient fort in northern England. The coins, known as solidi, are believed to be part of a military payroll and are considered to be one of the largest and most significant gold coin hoards ever found in Britain.

Historic Significance

The discovery was made during excavations at the Vindolanda fort, near Hadrian's Wall. The coins were found buried in a leather pouch and are in pristine condition, providing valuable insights into Roman military finances and the economy of the province of Britannia.

Experts believe that the hoard was likely hidden by a Roman soldier who intended to retrieve it later but was unable to do so for some reason. The coins bear the images of various Roman emperors, including Nero and Vespasian, and range in value from one to three solidi.
